Players are expected to attend all scheduled events (practices, games tournaments and team meetings). Ultimate is a team sport and attendance is necessary to for all players to play well as a team. Players will be excused from scheduled events for illness, medical reasons, family events, and special school obligations. Players are responsible for notifying their coach in advance by email or text anytime the player will miss a scheduled practice, game, tournament or team meeting including the reason for the player’s absence.
CANCELLATIONS for practices and after school games due to weather are decided by 1pm by the coaches and captains, and they will send message/text sent via TeamSnap & Facebook to ALL TEAMS. These messages will specifically mention cancellation due to weather and it applies to ALL TEAMS. This will also be posted on the homepage. However, a coach may cancel a practice for their team for specific reasons. Such cancellation only applies to that one team. When in doubt, a player should reach out to his/her team captain.
The primary communication from RUF and coaches will be via TeamSnap (download the iOS or Android app). Please make sure you are getting emails. It is also helpful if you opt in to receive text messaging on TeamSnap. Email if you need to be added to Team Snap.
Parents and Players are encouraged to join the Radnor Ultimate Frisbee Facebook Page for communication among teammates and for pictures from games and tournaments. See our Gallery for past year highlights pictures. Also follow @RadnorUltimate (Girls Varsity) and @RadnorUF (Boys Varsity) on Twitter for live game and tournament updates. The Facebook group is also used by players/captains to organize pickup games among themselves (and alumni) especially in the summer! NOTE: Pickup games are unsupervised and are not under auspices of the RUF club or coaches. All players play at their own risk.
TRANSPORTATION TO GAMES & TOURNAMENTS (and to Dittmar for Fall season practices)
In the Fall, parents may be needed to help to transport players to Dittmar Fields for practice. We need carpools for away games & tournaments. More info regarding sign ups will accompany each tournament announcement. RUF will need chaperones for away tournaments (Varsity only) requiring overnight stay.
Chaperones who supervise players at the lodging will be required (by state laws and RTSD) to have clearances. See more info on Chaperones and Clearances. We need a minimum of one parent chaperone in addition to the coach(es) per team per tournament. No parent should ever be alone with a non-related player.
Exact dates will be posted on Facebook and messages sent out through TeamSnap. Although optional, it is strongly encouraged by your coaches to attend. Weight training and conditioning sessions are usually held at RHS in the evenings during the winter months.
Tournaments are very demanding on the players. There are 3-4 games per day, possibly 7 total in two-day tournaments. Players should have a good breakfast a few hours before the tournament and avoid heavy meals or too much dairy during the tournament as their digestion system does not work as well when they are very active. More readings about nutrition before, during and after tournaments, read Nutrition for Ultimate Players
Suggested packing list for players:
Black shirt, white shirt, black shorts, cleats, sneakers, socks (always bring)
Extra socks for tournaments (or to lend to a friend who forgot socks)
Water, lots of water (always bring). Gatorade is good too but definitely bring water.
Rain jacket
Hat (baseball or knit, depending on the weather)
Gloves on those cold days
Waterproof blanket or towel
Ziplock baggies (e.g. to keep phone dry)
Lawn or kitchen garbage bag (to put duffel bag into when it rains or to house the dirty, wet clothes on the way home)
Insulating shirt and/or leggings to keep dry and warm
Nutrition bars (granola, energy bars), fruit, sandwich, small amount of money in case your carpool stops on the way home
Parents only: folding sports chair
Parents at tournaments are encouraged to take care of our players with any drinks, ice, or snacks. RUF will reimburse preapproved expenses incurred. Lunch is provided by RUF (covered by player dues) at most tournaments depending on time and duration of play. Captains will let players know in advance so they can plan accordingly. On hot days, parent volunteers will be asked to help with filling water bottles and bringing of ice throughout the day.
OVERNIGHT TOURNAMENTS - This primarily affects the Varsity team players.
Players will be asked to indicate their COMMITMENT to attend a tournament on TeamSnap. Based on the commitments, costs for the players, coaches & chaperones are calculated and allocated to players. Players are then asked to provide their NON-REFUNDABLE check by the deadline so that the rooming list may be sent to the hotel and extra rooms released. The NON-REFUNDABLE payment also acknowledges that you have read the TRAVEL TOURNAMENT CODE OF CONDUCT and agree to the terms.
Late responders may not be accommodated due to lack of space.
Payments are NON-REFUNDABLE because the cost has been calculated based on indicated players and would otherwise have to be recalculated or more funds to be collected. All players that committed on TeamSnap also agree to pay the fee even if they later decided to cancel if they have been included in the rooming list that has been sent to the hotel.
Some meals (lunch and dinner at the tournament) are usually already organized for the players, coaches and chaperones, and thus included in the cost allocated to players. But players should bring extra money for meals on the ride to and from the tournament.
Cost for Chaperones are calculated based on the fewest vehicles and rooms needed to get all the attending players TO the tournament. Other parents who may travel to the tournament will be responsible for their own cost but the travel coordinator may have extra rooms in our group room block that could be used.
RHS requires that Baseline concussion testing be done every two years. All parents and athletes should review the Concussion Information for Parents and Athletes. See also more CDC Concussion Information.
All Varsity or JV teams earn Letters in the Spring. Requirements are described on Letters Criteria page.